
Death the Kid x You Ch. 18

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crystalcooper's avatar

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"Liz, Patty, if you get scared – just go to sleep." – Soul Eater

"Siqruse – Siqruse can you hear me? You passed out. You're in weapon form, Liz and Patty did it somehow. Just sleep, okay? This'll all be over soon."

Kid's voice had a light echo. What beautiful a voice he had.

You felt as though in a deep sleep, like one feels in a dream. You felt nothing, from the ground beneath you to your fist that should ache. You were floating along on air, it seemed, and you started to drift into thought…


You sat atop a hill, the grass below you flitting about from a soft gust. The sky above you had such a beautiful, melancholy grey-blue, and the scene below you...

Good Lord, what the hell was going on down below you?

Not far from the steep, cascading hill was a small town, with Victorian-styled buildings, and what looked like traditional occupations in them – blacksmiths, midwives.

But it was hard to tell from all the chaos.

Fire billowed from the windows of houses. Chimney's bricks plummeted toward the ground, falling like dominoes and crumbling down. Dirt wafted around like small tornadoes in the streets, covering fleeing townspeople and disappearing in wake of the winds.  

A large bang startled you – it sounded like cannon fire. It sounded… familiar. You watched the explosion finally emerge above the burning buildings. The mushroom of orange, red and black smoke curling upward – something like a large bullet cut through the thick smoke, leaving a hole in the explosion's cloud.

Flying about was a witch, cackling and dropping grenades.

It felt like you were inside someone else's body. You felt shocked and disturbed at this sight, yet the person you were inhabiting felt boredom and slight irritation. How could someone not feel contempt for the people doing this to these innocent citizens?

Five more broomsticks and flying creatures shot into the air, twisting and twirling, corkscrewing downward, scooping to the ground.

At least six witches and wizards were there, wreaking havoc on this village.

A flitty laugh caught your attention, pulling you from the scene below. It was such a beautiful laugh, so care-free, so gentle.

How could someone laugh so kindly right now?

You turned, looking at the soft half-smile gracing the boy's lips. It was his signature grin… the grin you knew far too well.


He turned to you with that caring expression of his. Alec tilted his head down, looking at you from under his eyelids.

No. This person you inhabited – this body, these emotions – this was… you?

"You aren't like them, Si'. Look at them. They're torturing these people, for what? Do you know, Siqruse, why they're doing this to these people?"

Alec grabbed your shoulder farthest from him, pulling your head to touch his. He extended his finger outward, pointing down at the horrific scene.

You watched an impeccable building, with stained glass windows and columns, being blown to bits.

"They built a cathedral."

Again, you felt nothing. No emotion, no sadness. How were you so unfeeling? When was this that he took you on this hill? Why had you not stopped them? Why did you not care? It was like you were in a glass box, beating and screaming at the top of your lungs; but nothing could be done, for the glass box was what was.
You could do nothing.

"These witches and wizards; they believe, witch or not, that if you don't worship the Great Witch Mabaa you deserve to die. You aren't like that…"

A hand caught your jaw, the ring finger holding it steady as the thumb grazed over your cheek.

"You're so different from them, Siqruse, in a good way. I know they tell you you're a terrible girl, for not killing people like… like me." Alec chuckled again.

It was a pitiful attempt – the edge he had in his voice as he did so, it was like glass. He felt such strong hatred for witches and wizards, with good reason. You were the only exception.

He gazed at you like he'd just woken up. You felt the intensity of his stare, but yet again felt no connection. You opened your mouth to reply, feeling a scowl form on your face.

"What a pathetic try, Alec. Now you're just desperate."

The scene below you began to fade. The vibrant hues of the fire faded and grayed to darkness. Alec's face disintegrated before you like smoke.

The blackness was interrupted by a flash of white. You were opening your eyes.

Alec was there, standing over you. In his hand was a small pouch, with sparkling red dust in it. The dust was on the tips of his fingers.

"Why—how— did you take that?!" You yelled. You sat up quickly, snatching the pouch from Alec's hand.
You examined it, and found he'd used far more than the spell required – no wonder he'd been able to conjure such a realistic dream to your mind.

You rubbed your forehead, taking back your hand to hold in front of your face. Your entire forehead was coated with the dust, as the spell's directions said.

Of course Alec would resort to sprinkling Dream Dust onto your head while you slept. You looked around, finding yourself in your old room back with the witches. Ah, you had woken up back into another dream.Great.

He tried desperately to get you to run away from home. Your home life… it was awful, yes, but what could you do? You were a witch. Scum of the earth, hated by all. You deserved this kind of life.

And Alec deserved better. He was like a lost puppy. Day in and day out he had a new tactic to get you out of your hellhole, a new situation to thrust you in to get you to fall head-over-heels for him.

He could be off dating some weapon or meister right now. He could be off at the DWMA, making a name of himself and saving the world from madness. He could be partnered with a meister rather than fighting solo as he did. He could be off slaying witches like you.

He could be doing all those things, but yet here he was.

Alec looked down at you kindly, his smile curling up on one side of his face as he gazed down at you like a bed of diamonds. His face began to glitter, disintegrating away like sand from your vision.

The scene before you vanished before you could tell whether that arm you were raising was going to slap him or pull him down further on top of you.

The darkness returned.

You'd always understood why Alec loved you.

He was scared.

He was scared of the power witches and wizards hosted, their inability to feel remorse or rethink their decisions. They killed without hesitation. Kill, think later. That was most witches' mottos, and for centuries it had worked out in their favor. Those that got killed by Lord Death were the weaker. It was survival of the fittest, and Alec keeping you as his shield was his way of lasting in this vicious circle.
Alec didn't understand how powerful he really was. He'd always been underestimated. Even now, he wasn't showing his true colours. Kid took stage with Liz, Patty and you. Alec stood at the side, jumping in when he could to help even the slightest bit.

He told you that you deserved so much more than the crappy life you'd been given. But you knew Alec's selfish personality. He loved your friendship, but not enough to worry that your well-being was in danger thanks to your home life. His shield was being threatened, and he was going to do anything to make sure you stayed safe – so he could stay safe.

Alec wasn't all selfish and terrible, however. He was grateful you got him to the DWMA. He hated watching children become warped thanks to the teachings of your parents – the reason he hated your sister so much, and caused you to as well. His passion was remarkable, his conscience and morals set in stone. He hated witches and wizards for their murderous ways, which he hoped to return ten fold.

He cared for you, that was a fact. But he'd forced himself into believing that using you as a defense mechanism was actually love.


The name broke through the darkness. That voice again. When that name was formed from those lips, the softest, most loving tone in the world coated it and made it his. Alec always said your name with such love.


Another? Another voice was invading your thoughts. This had never happened before – only Alec had ever been able to talk to you in the safety of your own brain. This voice… this voice soothed you, however.

Alec's voice may host the most loving tone in the world, but the words he spoke to you were formed only from his own delusion of lust. The murkiness you felt from his entire being could never be changed. You knew Alec too well; his personality, however seemingly charming, was in reality disgusting.

This other voice, though, this soothing voice; it said your name with – with even more  love than Alec's. This voice was not sultry, but it was without a doubt seductive. The voice was hollow, every part of your name annunciated to the most brilliant quality. In this voice, your name sounded perfect.

At that moment, you knew Kid loved you more than Alec ever could.

You thought of your sister, the murders that repulsed Alec so very much. You had be some saving grace. Alec had always done so much for you, out of love -- even if that love was fake, formulated from some sort of self-hypnotism – that was a passion he felt towards you. His brain may have forced him to feel these feelings for you, but that means he has to be capable of feeling them in order to fake them, right? He's capable of holding such intense love for a person.

You had to kill these witches for Alec. He'd never had anything good come his way, nothing he was passionate for work in his favor.  He was such a great person, Alec was, with such a disgusting personality. Disgusting and amazing. You knew his pros and cons…

… so this was what it's like, to have a friend. Someone who cares, someone you know as much as you know yourself. It's love, but not romantic love. It's a bond, like soul resonance.

Soul resonance…

That was it.

You were joined with Kid because you loved him, romantically. You knew him so well without actually being him. You were joined with Alec because you loved him, as your best friend. You knew him well too. So this soul resonance you have with both of them… could it be a side effect of being in love with a witch?

It had never been tried before. Witches mostly felt hatred, their minds focused on power and greed. Love was hardly ever exchanged. But you were one of few witches to feel love more often than others, and towards non-witches.

It made so much sense now.

The darkness around you began to change. Like the light at the end of a tunnel, a small white light rushed towards you, growing in size and gaining in speed as it encompassed you and flooded you with all the feelings of your soul.

This darkness you'd been in… this was your soul?

Kid's loving voice broke through this rush of emotion, "And what a beautiful soul it is, Siqruse."
The eighteenth chapter to my Kid x You fanfiction. Dumb doesn't let you write reader-as-character stories, SO it's on dA.

Sorry if this is alot of exposition. I was experimenting with using psychology and emotions and whatnot, so this is the child of that haha;

I don't own Kid. Or Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Black*Star, etc. They are (C) Atsushi Ohkubo

Siqruse, Alec, Dypheria, etc. are (C) Me, Crystal Cooper

Comment, favorite, whatever!!!

Ch. 17: [link]
Ch. 19: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 crystalcooper
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Kitty-Bella's avatar
I felt like you made my best friend act like a jerk...not cool man...not cool... But the story itself is AWESOME! I love Kid...